Hassle-Free Online Therapy for Busy Professionals & Couples

Because you deserve therapy that DOESN’T SUCK!!

Adulting is HARD!!

As a busy professional, balancing your career, relationships, AND personal responsibilities can feel like an ENDLESS battle!

One minute, you’re feeling like a rockstar, convinced that you’ve FINALLY got it all figured out.

Then the next, you’re right back to feeling like you’re just one wrong move away from disaster.

And despite ALL the goal-setting, time-blocking, meal-prepping, and habit-tracking you thought for sure would work this time, here you are AGAIN feeling stressed out, exhausted, and overwhelmed.

You dream of having work-life balance and maybe even a little time just for yourself (imagine that!!).

Yet you still find yourself spending the whole day taking care of everything and everyone BUT you!

Then you spend another restless night tossing and turning for hours with a racing mind and a body that Just. Won’t. Relax.

And mornings? Yup, you wake up already exhausted, wondering HOW you’re going to do it all over again.

It’s easy to let taking care of your own health and wellness fall to the bottom of your priority list when you have a packed schedule and a LOT on your plate.

Deep down you know you just CAN’T keep going like this, but change is hard.

Especially when you’re already exhausted and overwhelmed!

But you don’t have to figure it out alone, because we’re here to help.

We get it, and we’ve got you!

Welcome to

Fresh Solutions Therapy!

We’re busy professionals, too, so we get it!

SPOILER ALERT: Yes, we’re Registered Psychotherapists, but we’re also just real, everyday, regular people!

We’ve ALL been through our own struggles. We have our good days and bad. And we’re still working toward being our best selves just like everyone else!

We don’t have all the answers - sorry!! - but we do know how to help you find the answers you need. Whether it’s improving your work-life balance, overcoming anxiety, or getting your relationship back on track, we’ll help you get it figured out and work with you to come up with an action plan for real, meaningful change.

And we’ll be right there with you, cheering you on every step of the way for as long as you need, with no commitment and no pressure.

So, if you’re tired of reading one boring therapist profile after another, and want to find a real, down-to-earth therapist you’ll actually like talking to, check out our therapist profiles, where we’ve spilled some cool details about our team.

We’re here to help you with:

  • Anxiety Therapy

    If you’re feeling stressed out, anxious, burned out, or overwhelmed, we’ve got you!

  • Couples Therapy

    If your relationship isn’t what it used to be & you’re ready to get things back on track, we’re here to help!

  • Therapy for Men

    Yup, men come to therapy, too! We can help you get things figured out in a way that feels comfortable for you.

  • Trauma Therapy

    Living with trauma makes every day harder. We can help you move forward with your life.

Are you ready to

Ditch the anxiety, stress, and overwhelm?

Start showing up for YOURSELF?

Seriously LEVEL UP your life?

You’re in the right place!

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”

— Winston Churchill