Depression Therapy

Online Counselling for Depression

Have you been feeling sad more often lately?

Do you have days where even getting out of bed feels hard?

Have you lost interest in doing things that you normally enjoy?

Do you sometimes wonder if you’ll ever feel happy again?

Does it seem like no one understands what you’re going through?


Everyone has days where they feel sad or down, but if you’ve been having more bad days than good days lately, you might be beginning to wonder when or if you’re going to feel like yourself again. 


Maybe you’ve tried doing your favourite activities, eating your favourite foods, or listening to your favourite music thinking that would cheer you up, but it didn’t.  Maybe you tried talking to a friend about it but they didn’t get that this is more than just feeling a little bit down for a day or two.  It might feel like no one gets how bad you are feeling, or how hard it can be to do simple things like just getting out of bed and getting ready for work.


Depression might be showing up in ways you might not expect:


Feeling exhausted

Feeling overwhelmed

Struggling to complete basic daily tasks

Not wanting to do things you usually enjoy

Being more irritable than usual

Feeling empty or emotionally numb

Sleeping more, or having trouble sleeping

Avoiding phone calls or not returning texts

Loss of appetite, or eating more than usual

Missing work, or falling behind at work

Questioning if your life has meaning or purpose

Feeling hopeless about the future


At Fresh Solutions Therapy, we offer online counselling in Ontario, and online counselling for depression is one of our specialties.  We can help you learn how to break free from depression and start living life the way you want to again.


Meet our Depression Therapists

Ready to get started with Fresh Solutions Therapy?

We’re happy to help you choose your therapist and book your first appointment, reach out today!


Depression and Your Career


Have you lost your edge at work?  Are you struggling to make it to work on time, or at all?  Is your job performance suffering?  Do you find yourself interacting less with your colleagues, or wishing you could just avoid them altogether?  Are you worried what might happen to your career if you don’t turn things around soon?


You’re a hard worker, you’ve invested a lot into your career, and you expect yourself to be at the top of your game at work all the time.  You have a great track record of being successful in life, but lately everything has been feeling harder than usual and things haven’t been going as well at work as they usually do.


Depression can strike anyone.  Sometimes it has an obvious cause, like going through a divorce or getting passed over for a promotion, but other times the cause is not so clear.  It might seem like you started feeling sad all of a sudden for no apparent reason, or you might have started feeling a little bit more down each day over a period of several days, weeks, or months. 


Whether it started suddenly or developed over time, depression can make things really difficult for you at work.  You may have noticed that you’re struggling to focus and concentrate, so it’s taking you longer to get your work done, or maybe your work is getting done but it’s taking longer than usual or you’re making more mistakes.  You might not be jumping at the chance to work overtime or take on challenging projects like you normally would.  You might be showing up late for work because you just can’t drag yourself out of bed, or you might be calling in sick because you just can’t face going to work. 


When depression starts affecting you at work it can be really scary.  You might be missing out on good opportunities because you don’t feel up to taking on any more responsibility.  You might be falling behind on deadlines and worrying how you’re ever going to get caught up.    You might wonder if your colleagues are noticing how much you are struggling at work and you’re worried about what might happen if you don’t get back on track soon.


At Fresh Solutions Therapy we’re busy professionals, too, so our therapists get what it’s like to have a lot on your plate at work and a lot at stake in your career.  We know you can’t afford to keep feeling down and letting your job performance slip.  Through online counselling we can help you break free from depression so you can feel more like yourself again and get back to feeling confident and successful at work.


Depression and Your Relationships


Have you been losing touch with family and friends lately?  Are you turning down invites because going out just feels like too much?  Have others commented that you don’t seem like yourself lately?  Is your relationship suffering because you don’t feel like talking or doing things together?  Have you lost interest in sex? 


You care a lot about your partner, family, and friends, but it can be hard to stay connected with others when you’re so down and exhausted that sometimes it just feels like you have nothing left to give.  


You might be wishing that others would notice how down you are and show you that they care and that they’re there for you.  Or you might be working hard to hide how you’re feeling because you’re worried that others might judge you or let you down, or worse, that they might not care.  Maybe you’ve even tried to tell someone how you’re feeling, and they just didn’t “get” it, leaving you feeling even more alone.


Everyone has bad days, when they are feeling down, sad, or struggling with motivation, but when one bad day turns into several bad days, or even bad weeks, it can have a negative impact on your relationships. 


Your friends might notice that you haven’t been returning their calls or texts, and that you’ve turned down their last few invites, and they might wonder why you’re avoiding them. 


Your family might notice that you haven’t been spending as much time with them, or that you just don’t seem like yourself, and they might be wondering what’s wrong but not sure if they should ask. 


Your partner might be noticing that you’re not as talkative, that you haven’t been interested in spending quality time together, or that you’re less interested in sex, and they might be missing that connection with you and wondering why things have changed.


At Fresh Solutions Therapy we know that when you’re feeling depressed it can be hard to talk about how you’re feeling, especially with someone you don’t know.  Our therapists know how to help you feel at ease and open up during therapy. You’ll be amazed by how easy it is to talk to your therapist and how quickly you’ll be are able to form a connection through online counselling.  We can help you break free from depression so you can start feeling connected and enjoying your relationships again.


Depression and Your Health


Do you feel exhausted all the time?  Are you finding that even simple tasks tire you out quickly? Do you experience frequent headaches or upset stomach? Have you noticed unusual aches and pains?  Are you struggling to fall asleep or feeling like you want to sleep all the time?


You care about your health and try to take good care of yourself by eating well, staying active, and getting enough sleep, but you might be noticing that lately it seems like you don’t feel like working out, it’s a struggle to keep your eating habits in check and you feel tired no matter how much sleep you get.  If you’ve also been feeling sad or down, it’s possible that depression may be affecting your physical health. 


Whether you started feeling sad suddenly or you’ve been feeling down for a while, you may have noticed some changes in your physical health.  Here are some of the ways that depression can impact your body:



Sleeping too much, or struggling to sleep

Loss of appetite, or overeating

Frequent headaches

Chest pain or heaviness

Decreased pain tolerance

Reduced immunity to colds and infections

Upset stomach

Unexplained aches and pain

Feeling of heaviness in your arms and legs

Loss of interest in sex


At Fresh Solutions Therapy we understand that depression affects not just your mind, but your body.  We know you care about your health and longevity, and we’re here to support you and help you recover.  Online counselling for depression is a great investment in your health, just like eating healthy food, going to the gym, or practicing yoga.  Reach out today so our therapists can help break free from depression so you can feel better, function better, and get back to living life the way you want to.       


“There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn’t.”

—John Green

Our Approach to Online Counselling for Depression

At Fresh Solutions Therapy, we use solution-focused brief therapy to treat depression.  We know that when you’re struggling with depression you’re often feeling down, exhausted, and overwhelmed with life, and we want you to end every therapy session feeling better than you did at the beginning.


Traditional therapy follows a medical model, which means that it focuses on the problem and the symptoms, much like a doctor would.  Solution-focused therapy is different.  It’s a modern, strengths-based approach that focuses on the positive rather than the negative. 


With traditional therapy clients often attend one to three sessions before their therapist offers their assessment and starts implementing a treatment plan.  At Fresh Solutions Therapy our therapists start treatment right away, which means you can experience positive change right from the first session. 


At Fresh Solutions Therapy, we know that deciding to start therapy might feel like a big step for you, so we do everything we are determined to make online counselling a positive experience for you.  Our therapists are trained to listen carefully, ask great questions, and work collaboratively with you to develop a solid plan to help you break free from depression.  Reach out today to get started!

Are you ready to get started with Fresh Solutions Therapy?

We’re happy to help you choose your therapist and book your first appointment, reach out today!

Online Counselling for Depression

At Fresh Solutions Therapy, we provide online counselling for depression.  We know that when you’re feeling depressed it’s not just about feeling sad.  There’s a good chance you’re also feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, and unmotivated, so we want to make it as easy as possible for you to get the support you need.


We know that when you’re feeling down and exhausted, every day is hard, and the thought of having to get ready to go out, drive through traffic, spend an hour in session, then drive back to home or work feels like a lot.  You may also be worried about booking an appointment because some days are harder than others and you don’t know if you’ll feel up to it when the time comes.  At Fresh Solutions Therapy we make it easy to get the support you need by providing convenient online counselling from the comfort of your home or office.


Online counselling is ideal for people with depression because it allows you to receive all the benefits of therapy without the stress, pressure, and exhaustion you can feel having to travel to an in-person session.  With online counselling you don’t have to worry if you’ll feel up to going to your appointment that day, because all you need to do is log in on your computer, tablet, or phone and get started! 


At Fresh Solutions Therapy we know that depression isn’t something that you can “snap out of” just because you want to. If you’re ready to start working with a therapist who understands just how hard it is to live with depression and knows how to help you find your way out, reach out today to book an appointment!